• Welcome to Include Me 2 Club

    Include Me 2 Club SCIO is a non-profit organisation committed to creating inclusive opportunities for individuals with additional support needs, disabilities and mental health conditions. Our aim is to break down the barriers faced by people with disabilities and enable them to participate fully in their communities and society.

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  • Become a member

    Become a member

    If you are a child, young person or adult with an additional support need, disability or mental health condition, you can register as a member of the Charity and access its actities, services and events

  • Vonlunteering

    Volunteer with us

    Give your time supporting our members, in our offices, shops, clubs, and groups, cheering on our fundraisers or sharing your story - your time makes a huge difference.

  • Support our WORK

    Supporting the Charity’s work is vital, from Choosing IM2C as your Charity Partner, Working in Partnership, Payroll Giving, Making a Donation, and Fundraising for Us - Every Little Makes a Huge Impact.

Projects & Enterprises

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Thank you to all our funders & supporters!

Charity Partners

Our Accreditations